Sunday, February 28, 2010

There really is no point to this; which is part of the reason why there is no point to this. If i made a point to it, there might be a point to it, right?
Is there a point to this?=:
if you said, "yes," you are right. if you said, "that's a blue tit," you are also right. Now, i know what you are thinking. How can a bird have a point? Birds are hardly conical, and though their beak is sharp, it cannot really bear the burden of being the geometrical end point at which all other bird-lines (so to speak) come to union. Neither may you confidently ascribe a "point" to the bird in a metaphoric sense, because it's entirely unclear why they exist, and even if bird-kind has a function in the universe, it seems like chicken fill it far more aptly than the average "blue tit."

The answer, of course, is that "tits" have a point, being of course the nipple, and a "blue tit," by extension, must also have one, regardless to its place on the color spectrum.

This is a good example of having nothing to say but saying it anyways.

This is a good example of a human torso:
okay, you got me. there a lil'bit of arms there too. but that's not the point, is it?

what is the point?

let's write that in all caps.



sally said...
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sally said...

I entirely agree AND disagree with the point being made by this post. The point of the thing is inherent in the nature of the thing itself, it's being or beingness. Were the thing to cease being, then and only then would it cease to have a point, for nothing can exist in not-beingness, not even a point. We have to look at a thing within its own being to deduce its point, but herein lies a fundamental flaw in the notion of objectivity: the point of the being is only truly accessible by the being itself, and not any other being which is not that being. And so the point of the blue tit can only be known by the blue tit itself, and while we can attempt to surmise the point of it on our own, what we are actually doing is simply projecting outward the point of our own beingness, or at least an element of it. That is to say, part of the point, or in some cases all of the point, of our beingness is to "be" objective and to try to posit the point of other beings. Even if we took a good running start and made a perfect leap into an exactly right guess as to the point of the blue tit's being, we could never be objectively certain that we are right because only the blue tit itself can verify its own point. While this line of thought leads to certain unavoidable existential crises through its undermining of commonly held assumptions about objectivity and certainty, it also provides an important perspective on commonly held notions that, without questioning, we will find difficult, if not impossible, to evolve beyond. But, if I had to guess, I would say the point of the blue tit is to eat worms, make more blue tits, and amuse me, in some order.