Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sexy Lies

I'm only 18.

This is my first time.

I'm employed.

I've got a big fat car.

You remind me of my uncle.

I'm versatile.

It doesn't hurt.

You're soooo hot.

I'm on the pill.

I swing both ways.

I'm a woman.

I'm married.

I'm single.

I want a divorce.

So. What about you?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Questions for New York

A city full of a million tiny deaths

little dead bird cuddling an empty tuna can behind a fire hydrant
a hundred poisoned roaches silently expiring inside the walls
Teenage mouse, quivering in the glue, brutalized in a Pepridge farm bread bag

there was a continent, once, that Columbus missed
undiscovered, quietly, it ceased to exist
and these days, I think we can say with some clarity, it never existed at all.

Girl in heels with curly hair
face like a painted sphinx, hailing a cab
What will you wear to your funeral?

Homeless guy
Wrapped in trashbags on the Bronx-bound 6
Got a dollar?